
The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to explain how user information is collected, used, and protected by the Destination Ditmars Merchants Association. This Privacy Policy applies to all users of the Destination Ditmars Merchants Association website.

Information Collection

We collect personal information and business information for our local business directory from local business owners. This includes, but is not limited to, name, email address, business name, and phone number. Additionally, we may collect names and email addresses from general users who submit to our mailing list forms. Information is collected through the Listing Submission form on the website for business owners and through mailing list forms for general users. We may also use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information about user interactions with the website.

Information Use

The information collected from users is used to create and manage business listings, send newsletters, and improve website functionality. User information is publicly displayed in our business directory. We do not share user information with third parties except as required to display business listings and facilitate the services offered by the Destination Ditmars Merchants Association.

Data Protection

While we strive to protect user data, we do not have specific measures in place for data security. Users should use the Destination Ditmars Merchants Association website at their own risk. We recommend that users avoid posting any sensitive information and use secure passwords for their accounts. Users are responsible for keeping their passwords confidential and should immediately update their password if they suspect it has been compromised. By using the website, users acknowledge that they are doing so at their own risk and agree to follow best practices for protecting their personal information.

User Rights

  • Access to Information: Users have the right to access their personal information stored by the Destination Ditmars Merchants Association. They may request a copy of their personal information by contacting us via email.
  • Correction of Information: Users have the right to request corrections to their personal information if they believe it is inaccurate or incomplete. Requests for corrections can be made by contacting us via email.
  • Deletion of Information: Users have the right to request the deletion of their personal information. Such requests can be made by contacting us via email. We will make reasonable efforts to comply with these requests, subject to any legal obligations to retain certain information.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

The Destination Ditmars Merchants Association website may use cookies in the future to enhance user experience and for analytics purposes. Cookies help us understand how users interact with our website and improve its functionality. Users must consent to the use of cookies to access the full functionality of the website. Upon their first visit, users will be prompted to accept cookies, which will enable us to provide a better and more personalized experience.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time and without notification. Users are encouraged to review this policy whenever they use the website. Use of the website is considered acceptance of this Privacy Policy. Continued use of the website after any changes to the Privacy Policy constitutes acceptance of those changes.

Contact Information

Users can contact us regarding this Privacy Policy at [email protected].

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